How dental crowns can restore your smile from our dentist


Crowns are a great way to restore the appearance and function of teeth that have been damaged, cracked, or lost. Crowns are made of porcelain, metal, or a combination of both, and are custom-made to fit your teeth perfectly. They can last for many years with proper care. Here’s what you need to know about dental crowns from our dentist in Crawley!

What are dental crowns and what do they do?

Dental crowns, also known as caps, is a restoration procedure used to cover and protect a damaged or decayed tooth. They can be used to restore a tooth’s natural shape and color cosmetic crowns, or strengthen a compromised tooth structural crowns.

How are dental crowns made and fitted to teeth?

A dental crown is a tooth-shaped cap that is placed over a tooth to restore its shape, size, strength, and appearance. Crowns are most often used to restore teeth that have been damaged by decay, infection, or a fracture. They are also used to cover dental implants or to correct a malocclusion (a misalignment of the teeth).

Preparing tooth for a crown

In some cases, our dentist in Crawley may need to file down the tooth in order to make room for the crown. This can be a little bit uncomfortable, but it is a necessary step in order to ensure that the crown fits properly.

The process of making a crown begins with taking an impression of the tooth that will receive the crown. The impression is used to create a model of the tooth in a dental lab. The lab technician then constructs a crown made from porcelain, metal, or both using the model as a guide.

The crown is then fitted to the tooth and bonded in place with dental cement. After the cement has set, our team polishes the crown to give it a smooth, shiny finish.

We offer offer finance for crowns

If you are in need of a dental crown, we offer a variety of finance options to make the process easier for you. We understand that dental care can be expensive, so we offer a variety of finance options to make the process easier for you. We want to ensure that you can get the dental care you need and deserve, and our finance options make that possible.

What is the process of getting a dental crown installed in your mouth like, from start to finish?

When you go in for your initial consultation, we will take a look at your teeth and decide if you are a good candidate for a dental crown. If you are, they will take an impression of your teeth so that a dental lab can create a replica of them. You will likely be given a temporary crown to wear while you wait for the permanent one to be made.

Once the permanent crown is ready, you will go back in for another appointment so that our dentist in Crawley can install it. We will remove the temporary crown and then cement the new one in place.