Overdentures: a revolution in restorative dentistry from your local dentist


Hello to our beloved community and patients! It’s always a delight to bring new topics of discussion to you from our dentist in Crawley. Today, we will delve into the exciting realm of overdentures. As a dental solution that’s gaining popularity, we are eager to highlight how we employ this innovative option to revamp smiles and boost confidence.

Overdentures explained: an introduction

Simply put, overdentures are a type of removable denture that can fit over remaining natural teeth or dental implants. Think of them as a fusion between traditional dentures and dental implants, designed to provide a snug and comfortable fit while also enhancing chewing function and aesthetics.

A tailored solution: when do we recommend overdentures?

In our clinic, we turn to overdentures as a solution when patients have some healthy teeth remaining that can act as a stable base or when dental implants can be placed. Overdentures are particularly useful to patients who have experienced discomfort or a lack of stability with traditional dentures. They offer a leap in comfort and functionality, making them an excellent choice for those seeking improved oral comfort.

The overdenture procedure: how we make it happen

The process of getting overdentures begins with an in-depth consultation at our dentist in Crawley. We will examine your oral health status, listen to your concerns, and discuss the best options for your specific needs.

If we move forward with overdentures, the remaining teeth or implants in your mouth act as anchors to support them. Our team works meticulously to design and create overdentures that will fit nicely over these bases. The result is a secure, snugly fitting, and natural-looking set of teeth.

The overdenture experience: what to expect?

With overdentures, patients often report a significant improvement in comfort and functionality compared to traditional dentures. The extra stability provides a superior eating experience and ensures that your dentures stay in place so that you can laugh, talk, and smile without worry. Overdentures also help preserve your facial structure, providing a natural, youthful appearance.

Caring for your overdentures: ensuring long-lasting success

Proper care is crucial to maintaining the durability of your overdentures and preserving your oral health. At our dentist in Crawley, we provide comprehensive guidance on cleaning and maintaining your overdentures and scheduling follow-ups to ensure everything remains in tip-top shape. We’re here for the long haul, committed to ensuring your comfort and satisfaction.

Overdentures at our clinic: your smile, reimagined

As part of our continued commitment to providing tailored dental solutions, we’re proud to offer overdentures at our clinic. This modern dental option symbolises our dedication to combining function, aesthetics, and comfort into one comprehensive solution.

At Enhance Dental, we’re excited about the possibilities that overdentures offer to our patients. Our team is eager to help guide you on this journey, answering any questions you may have and working alongside you to make the process as seamless as possible. It’s our mission to help you smile brighter, with confidence and without reservations. Here’s to the beginning of your journey towards a renewed, reimagined smile!