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Fat Melting in Crawley

What is a fat melting slimming injection?

The fat melting injection is a treatment designed for body and facial contouring and can be used to shape selected body parts to your liking. Using techniques, it targets localised fat deposits and cellulite and is less invasive than alternative methods such as liposuction. This injection comprises natural soybean lecithin and enzymes that help to target and dissolve small and stubborn fat deposits that are resistant to other methods of weight loss.

How does fat melting slimming injection work?

Most of us develop lumps and bumps of unsightly fat and/or cellulite in our lives. This fat is not easy to get rid of and requires a lot of commitment and discipline if using traditional methods. The fat melting injection using techniques specifically target localised fat and cellulite deposits. It is a less invasive alternative to liposuction and slowly dissolves the deposits with injections of substances that specially target the fatty cells. After this, the body proceeds to naturally remove the residue over the following weeks.

fat melting

Benefits of fat melting slimming injections

Fat Melting Injections are becoming preferable than liposuction due to its less invasive procedure and great outcome. Other benefits include:

What are the problem areas it treats?

Double Chin
Double Chin
Love Handle
Love Handle
Under Arms
Under Arms
Outer Thighs
Outer Thighs
Inner Thighs
Inner Thighs

Body Contouring

Is an efficient way to help reduce the last bits of stubborn fat that continually resist dieting and natural exercise. As traditional methods of shaping the body do not seem to impact these fat deposits, the fat melting injection can be a suitable alternative to aid your body to remove the

Body Contouring


Consisting of fat beneath the skin, cellulite will appear uneven because it is pressed up against connective tissue, resulting in bumpy looking skin. It is harmless and is not indicative of obesity, but some individuals may opt to treat it due to its unsightliness. The presence of cellulite may be hereditary, but it may also be caused by an imbalanced diet, slow metabolism or dehydration. The fat melting injection will slowly dissolve and reduce the appearance of cellulite without the need for extensive surgical methods.


Fat/Weight Loss

These fat cells are known as subcutaneous fat. It is harder to get rid of rather than normal visceral fat and intramuscular fat thus deemed it’s popular. For most women, subcutaneous fat is located around the butt, hips, and thighs. For most men, it is accumulated at the love handles. The treatment is very useful for reducing the number of localised fat deposits in your body if done within a clinical setting, with results likely to be noticeable after four or more sessions.

Side effects of fat melting slimming injections?

Within a safe, clinical setting, this method of weight loss can aid in the reduction of localised fat deposits and results are likely to be visible after four or more treatment sessions. It is a quick procedure and any side effects experienced will be minor, such as swelling, bruising and soreness and these should subside naturally in a short period of time.

Expected downtime for fat melting slimming injections

No downtime for this treatment. Patients can immediately return to work and normal activities.


How much does it cost?

The cost of injections will highly depend on the type of treatment that you are getting, the number of sessions needed and also the severity of your skin condition.

Before & After fat melting slimming injections
